You're Hired...Now What? Workbook (5523)

Code: 9780195432190

Author: Beverley Payne and Terry Webb
ISBN: 9780195432190
Item #: 5523
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Published: 2009
Type: Paperback
Category: Citizenship and Community
Reading Level: CLB 5 - 8, intermediate





This workbook complements You're Hired... Now What?  student book - an introduction to Canadian workplace culture that gives newcomers to Canada insight into what to expect at their first professional Canadian job. The classroom-ready workbook allows You're Hired... Now What? to be integrated into programs that focus on workplace ESL.

The workbook corresponds to You're Hired... Now What? student book chapter-for-chapter and provides students with opportunities to apply the concepts from the student book to the real world. Each chapter includes workplace vocabulary development, a sample dialogue, practical writing exercises geared towards CLBs 5 to 8, and activities for group and independent learning.

The language in the boko is wrriten at a level that is accessible to second-language learners without being insuldting. It also addresses and explains concerns that many newcomers share.

Chapter topics covered in the book include:

How to work well in Canada
Understanding Your Workplace Culture
Getting Along with Co-Workers
Client Relations and Business Etiquette
Avoiding and Solving Problems
Networking, Small-talk, and Relationship Building

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