Health Stories High Beginning Student Book (2702)

Code: 9781564207029

Author: Ann Gianola
ISBN: 9781564207029
Item#: 2702
Publisher: New Readers Press
Published: 2007
Category: ESL, Health & Family Literacy, Reading & Writing
Series: Health Stories
Reading Level: CLB 4 & Up

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Series Synopsis

Health Stories provides engaging stories and multi-skill lessons to adult ESL learners to have better access to good health care for themselves and their families, understand and deal with common health problems, and develop the language skills needed to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals.

The lessons offer a contextualized presentation and practice of basic language skills, combined with critical thinking and communicative activities, with a focus on reading, speaking and vocabulary development, and listening. There is no sequential order of the lessons, allowing for instructional flexibility. Available at 3 levels - Introductory, Low-Beginning and High-Beginning. Stories at each levels but revolve around the common theme of health and healthy living/choices.


The series is made of 3 main components:

Student Books: There are 14 units in each student book, and every unit starts off with a short story, followed by writing, listening and discussion activities to reinforce key terms, concepts and comprehension. An Answer Key at the back of each student book so that students can check their own activities.
Workbook: Supplementary workbooks are available at each level, and contain vocabulary, writing and listening exercises that correlate to units in the student book for additional practice.
Teacher's Guide and Audio CD Pack: The Teacher's Guide contains lesson suggestions and tips for extension activities. Each Teacher Guide and Audio CD pack comes with 3 separate CDs containing audio recordings of stories, dialogues and listening activities for the student book at each level.

Lesson Topics in Introductory Level Student Book

Healthy choices at fast food restaurant
Allergic reactions to antibiotics
Losing weight and staying healthy
Head injuries
Major dental problems
Preventing food-borne illness
Side-effects of taking medications
Bacterial vs viral infections
Dealing with a common surgical procedure
Symptoms of diabetes
Locating a medical specialist
Bee sting and symptoms of allergic reactions

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